Saturday, December 15, 2007

A short introduction to Swami Ranganathananda

Swami Ranganathananda has been called the "Vivekananda of the 20th Century". All his life, Swami Ranganathananda worked in order that men everywhere find freedom - not in a far-off forest or cave, but here and now, in the warp and weft, of daily life.

His compassion and concern for fellow beings led him to develop "fulfilment sciences" - a space that allows man to enjoy a little of that deep peace and joy that saints are said to experience, while discharging the duties and compulsions of the "current state" that men & women experience within their daily lives.

Deeply interconnected was his exploration into the "science of human possibilities" wherein each man, woman & child could realize the fullest potential within and thereby manifest the strength and the joy of contribution to human welfare.

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