Saturday, December 15, 2007

Human Evolution has a Spiritual dimension

In developing and perfecting its adhyatma vidya, the science of the Self, India has given a spiritual direction to human evolution consistent with the dignity of man and his infinite potentialities. Twentieth-century biology, as I said before, enthrones quality over quantity as the criterion of evolution at the human stage, and upholds fulfilment as its goal, in place of numerical increase or mere survival. The Upanisads uphold that this search for fulfilment will take man progressively beyond his physical and sensate awareness which is finite and limited, and give him a glimpse of his infinite spiritual dimension. It is only through such spiritual growth that man can achieve fulfilment by realizing his true dimension as the Atman, which is infinite and universal, and embrace his fellow-beings in bonds of love and service.

EXTRACTS FROM: Eternal Values for a Changing Society Volume III – Education for Human Excellence; 1 – India's Educational Vision (Pg:14-15; ed. 1995)
This was the address delivered at the Calcutta University Convocation on February 15, 1966.

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